Sunday, March 28, 2010


Q1. I changed my monitor's color settings and can't see anything now. What should I do?
So you decided to change your display settings and now you can't see anything on the screen anymore. Don't worry, it happens to lots of people.If you are using Windows, you can get your screen back by booting up in Safe Mode. Just hold down the F8 key while the computer is booting up and select "Safe Mode" from the list of boot options. The number of colors will be limited in safe mode, allowing you to see the display correctly. After successfully booting into Safe Mode, you should be able to restart your machine like usual.

If you are using Mac OS 9, hold down the Shift key while starting up and all Extensions will be turned off. This should help you avoid any display problems.Mac OS X users fortunately do not have to worry about this problem, since the Displays System Preference only allows you to choose supported resolutions and color settings.

Q2. Why is monitor's screen blank when I start up my computer?
First, check if the monitor plugged in to a power outlet and is connected to the computer securely. Some monitors won't function even if the connection is slightly loose. If the monitor is connected correctly, make sure that the power button is on. If the power light is not glowing, the outlet may not be providing power to the monitor or the monitor may have a dead power supply.

If the power light is on and nothing comes up on the screen when you start your computer, it is possible you have a bad video card. Test the monitor on another computer to see if the display works with another video card. If it does, try starting up your computer in safe mode by holding down the F8 key as the computer boots up. This should solve any screen resolution or color setting conflicts that may prevent your monitor from displaying an image.

If the monitor is still blank when you start up in safe mode, you should open your computer (after unplugging it) and check to make sure your video card is seeded properly in the motherboard. If the video card is properly connected and the display still does not work, you will probably have to replace the video card in your computer. While high-end video cards can cost $500 or more, you can get a decent video card for about $100. Check you computer's manual to see if your computer uses a PCI or AGP video card before buying a new one.

If the monitor didn't work even when you connected it up to another machine, the monitor has probably gone bad. Check the cable to make sure it is not broken or frayed anywhere. Then make sure the pins on the connector aren't broken or bent either, as even one bad pin can cause the video connection to fail. If you have a CRT monitor, do not attempt to open the monitor, as it may store an electric charge powerful enough to electrocute you. Even if you have a flat-screen display, do not attempt to repair it yourself, as it does not have any user-serviceable parts. Instead, take the monitor in to your local computer repair shop and have them repair or replace it for you.

Q3. How can I connect my computer to a TV or television screen?
In order to connect your computer to a television set, you need the correct video output hardware on your computer. This can be composite video (a yellow RCA jack), S-video (a black 4-pin connection), or on newer models, a DVI port. These connections are usually found on the video card on the back of the computer, though some multimedia PCs have the ports on the front. If your computer does not have any of these ports, you will not be able to connect your computer to your TV unless you buy a multimedia video card.

If you do have a composite, S-video, or DVI connection on your computer, you are in luck. Most TVs have composite input, which uses a yellow connection for video, and a white and red connection for the left and right audio signal. Just connect the three cables from the computer to the TV, and you are set to go. S-video works the same way, but takes the place of the yellow cable in a composite connection. DVI is the highest quality connection, but will only work if your TV has a DVI input. Like S-video, you will need to connect the red and white audio cables as well if you want audio to come from the television.

Once you have connected your PC to the TV, you can use the Display Control Panel in Windows to activate the output to the television. You can either "mirror" the display of the computer on the TV, or you can "extend the desktop" onto the television and have two separate displays. If you are using a Macintosh, open the Displays System Preference for the same options.
Q4. Why does my monitor display a "Sync. Out of Range" error message?
Ans: This happens when your screen resolution is set to something higher than what your monitor can display. For example, if your monitor supports resolutions of up to 1024x768 and your video card allows you to crank it up to 1600x1200, doing so will give you an error. Another reason you might get the error is if the refresh rate you selected a certain resolution is higher than what your monitor supports. The monitor can't "sync" with the video card, so it just gives you that "Out of Range" error. If you are sure you have your resolution set at a reasonable amount, make sure that your monitor is plugged in all the way. Actually, if you're like me, that might be the first thing to check. =)

If you are using Windows, hold down the F8 key while the computer is starting up and choose "Safe Mode" from the list of options that appears on the screen. This should force the display to be a low enough resolution so that it will work. On a Mac, hold down the Shift key while booting up to start with extensions off, and that will usually do the trick.

Q5. How many monitors can I hook up to my desktop computer?
For a desktop computer, if you're using a Mac or running Windows 98 or later, you can hook up as many monitors as you have video cards. Basically, you need a separate connection for each monitor. So if you had 3 PCI slots open, you could add three video cards and three monitors, allowing you to have four total screens. Some video cards have connections for multiple monitors, which would allow you to connect even more displays to your computer. (These cards usually support 2 or 4 monitors apiece.) I've heard of a Mac that ran 14 displays at one time, which is just ridiculous, but nonetheless, cool.

Q6. Why is the picture on my monitor fuzzy?
First of all, check to make sure there aren't any unshielded speakers or halogen lights near your monitor. These can really make your monitor do weird things. A television, audio receiver, or other electronics equipment nearby can also cause interference with your monitor because of the frequency of the signals they use. If there is nothing creating interference with the monitor, check the cable connections and make sure they are nice and tight. Also, try and get your wires as untangled as possible.

If none of these things seem to be the problem, your monitor settings may have been reset and you may have to make some adjustments using the control knob or buttons on the front of your monitor. The things you may need to adjust are your color settings, the convergence, and the moire settings. See your monitor's manual to see how to adjust these options.Finally, if you monitor still won't show a clear picture, something may have gone wrong inside it.
Unfortunately, there's not much you can do to fix a bad monitor other than take it in to the shop. Before you do that though, see if you can hook the monitor up to another computer. This will help you determine if the problem is with the computer's video card and not the monitor.

Remember: Never open a monitor and try to fix it, as the electric charge stored inside it can be extremely high and very dangerous.

Q7. If I hook up two monitors to my computer, can two people work on the system at the same time?
Adding a second display to your computer is a great way increase your "screen real estate," or how much screen space you have to work with. If you have two monitors, you can use one display for Web browsing and another for e-mail. With a program like Photoshop, you can place all the palettes in one screen and use the other display for your main work space.

However, adding another screen does not enable two people to work on a single computer at the same time. Even if you connect two mice and two keyboards to the computer, the computer will not split up the input. Therefore, if one person moves her mouse to the right and the other person moves his mouse downward, the cursor on the screen will move towards the lower-right corner.

Working with two displays can help a single user be more productive, but will not allow two users to work independently on the same machine. The only way for two users to work simultaneously is to have to computers.

Q8. Can I hook up two computers to one display or monitor?
You sure can. All you need is a KVM switch, which allows you to choose what computer is using the screen. You can have two PCs, a laptop and a PC, or even a Mac and a PC hooked up to the same display. Some KVM switches only switch the monitor input, while others allow you to switch the input for the keyboard and mouse as well. This means you can use the same screen, keyboard, and mouse for two different computers.

When buying a KVM switch, make sure it supports your monitor type (VGA, DVI, etc.) as well as the keyboard and mouse ports that your hardware uses (typically USB or serial). It is also smart to buy a KVM switch that comes with the necessary cables, since buying them separately can be surprisingly expensive. You can purchase KVM switches at stores like CompUSA, MicroCenter, Best Buy or from several online computer retailers.

Q9. How to find IP address of your connection?
Go to start/run type 'cmd' then type 'ipconfig' Add the '/all' switch for more info.

Q10. How to verify connection to remote computer?
Ping tool verifies connections to remote computers example: In cmd type c:>ping -t -t Ping the specified host until interrupted -a Resolve addresses to hostnames

Q11. How to find a path on the network from your PC that is running load test script to web server?
Ans: Use Tracert Utility runs at the Command prompt. It will trace a path from you to the URL or IP address given along with the tracert command. Tracert determines the route taken to a destination by sending ICMP echo packets..

Q12. How to find what ports are open on your system?
In cmd type c:>netstat This command gives you a generic look at what ports are open on your system

Q13. What TCP/IP Settings are used on computer?
Description of TCP/IP Settings that are used in network troubleshooting 1. IP Address 2. Subnet Mask 3. Default Gateway 4. DHCP Server 5. DNS Servers

Q14. How to find a network configuration of your PC?
In cmd type c:> net config workstation the result displays a list of configurable services: computer name,user name, logon domain, domain DNS name.

Q15. How to find what program used as default for opening file .xyz .
In cmd type C:> assoc .xyz which program will open that .xyz file

Q16. How to change settings in command prompt?
The first thing you'll want to do is Start, Run, cmd.exe, then right click the window menu and choose properties. Try the following values for improvement: Options Command History Buffer Size 400 Options Command History Discard Old Duplicates True Options Edit Options Quick Edit Mode True Layout Screen buffer size Height 900 Layout Window size Height 40

Q17. How to start DirectX Diagnostic Tool ?
To start the DirectX Diagnostic Tool: 1. Click Start, and then click Run. In the Open box, type dxdiag, and then click OK.

Q18. What do you need to do that your browser will point URL to the internal IP address
Ans: Make changes in the hosts file in C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc The Hosts file is looked at first before going out to the DNS (Domain Name Service) servers. you have to put the following on new lines at the end of hosts file:

Q19. What can you suggest to enhance testing process on windows OS?
Ans: Put shortcut to notepad.exe in Send To folder. It is speed up work with different files like hosts, configuration files.

Q20. What is an Object Server?
Ans: With an object server, the Client/Server application is written as a set of communicating objects. Client object communicate with server objects using an Object Request Broker (ORB). The client invokes a method on a remote object. The ORB locates an instance of that object server class, invokes the requested method and returns the results to the client object. Server objects must provide support for concurrency and sharing. The ORB brings it all together.

Q21. What is a Transaction Server?
Ans: With a transaction server, the client invokes remote procedures that reside on the server with an SQL database engine. These remote procedures on the server execute a group of SQL statements. The network exchange consists of a single request/reply message. The SQL statements either all succeed or fail as a unit.

Q22. What is a Database Server?

Q23. What is the most typical functional units of the client/server applications?
Ans: User interfaceBusiness Logic andShared data.

Q24. What is Windows Image Acquisition(WIA) Architecture?
Ans: Windows Image Acquisition is designed to manages between the image capture device( such as digital camera or image scanner) and the computer’s software applications. This allows still images to be easily transferred and edited. There is also support for Microsoft Direct Show web cams and digital video camcorders so you can capture frames from video streams.

Q25. How you can connecting WIA Devices?
Ans: You can connect capture devices to Windows XP Professional with WIA technology through the following:
IEEE 1394
Universal Serial Bus(USB)
Small Computer System Interface(SCSI)

If you connect your image device through a standard COM port or through infrared, then support would be based on existing standard.

Q26. Write down the component of WIA?
Ans: WIA is made up of several software components. They include the following:
Scanner and Camera Wizard
Extensions to the Windows Explorer User Interface(UI)
WIA applications
Imaging Class Installer
WIA scripting interface
Common system dialog devices
Device objects
WIA Device Manager

Q27. Why we can used Scanner and Camera Wizard?
Ans: The Scanner and camera wizard is used to retrieve images from WIA-enabled devices. The wizard allows you to preview and view picture properties. The wizard is launched the following activities:
Connect events, which occur when a plug and play image device that uses the WIA standard is connected
Scan events, which are activated when WIA-enabled scanners are used
Media-insertion events, which are triggered by inserting flash memory cards or CD-ROMs, which contain image files

Q28. What do mean by MMC?
Ans: The MMC is the consol framework for management applications. The MMC provides a common environment for snap-ins, which are administrative tools developed by Microsoft or third-party vendors. The MMC offers many benefits, including the following:
The MMC is highly customizable Snap-in use a standard, intuitive interface, so they are easier to use than previous versions of administrative utilities.
MMC consoles can be saved and shared with other administrator
Most snap-in can be used for remote computer management

Q29. What is the different kinds of Windows Managements Utilities?
Ans: The Windows Management Utilities are the following:
Registry Editors
Device Manager

Q30. Describe the Device Manager?
Ans: Device manager displays information about the hardware that is installed in your computer and how it is configured. You can use the device manager to ensure that all devices are working properly, configure your devices, and troubleshoot device problems. Device Manager include the following :
Viewing a list of all hardware that is installed in your computer
Determining which device driver is installed for each device
Updating device drivers
Changing hardware settings
Disabling, enabling, and uninstalling devices
Using driver rollback to a previous version of a driver
Troubleshooting device problems
Printing a summary of all devices that are installed on your computer

Q31. What is Device Driver?
Ans: A device driver is software that allows a specific piece of hardware to communicate with the Windows XP OS.

Q32. What is Removable Media?
Ans: In computer storage, removable media refers to storage media which is designed to be removed from the computer without powering the computer off. Removable media are devices such as tape devices and Zip devices. Removable media can also be managed by device manager. Removable media are listed under Disk Drives in device manager.

Q33. What is video adapter?
Ans: Also known as a graphics card, video card, video board, or a video controller, a video adapter is an internal circuit board that allows a display device such as a monitor to display a picture from the computer. Today video cards are most commonly connected to the AGP slot or PCIe slot on the motherboard, however, can also be found on-board or in a PCI slot.

Q34. Describe the USB?
Ans: Universal Serial Bus (USB) is an external bus standard that allows you to connect USB devices through a USB port using a USB cable. USB supports transfer rates up to 12 Mbps. A single USB port can support up to 127 devices such as In computer storage, removable media refers to storage media which is designed to be removed from the computer without powering the computer off.

Q35. What is hardware profile?
Ans: A hardware profile contains all of the settings for a computer. Hardware profiles are useful when a single computer has multiple hardware configurations.

Hardware profile, which are set by a systems administrator, describe which pieces of hardware are enabled or disabled when a system is booted under a given profile.

Q36. What do you mean by profile?
Ans: User profiles include all user-specific settings of a user's Windows 2000 Professional environment, including program items, screen colors, network connections, printer connections, mouse settings, window size and position, and desktop preferences.

User profiles provide several advantages to users. For example, when users log on to their workstations, they receive the desktop settings as they existed when they logged off. Also, when several users log on to the same computer, each receives a customized desktop.

Q37. Describe the different kinds of profiles?
Ans: There are three types of user profiles, which are as follows:
Local User Profile: This profile is automatically created the first time a user logs on to the computer, and it is stored on the computer's local hard drive. Any changes made to the local user profile are specific to the computer where the change was made.
Roaming user profile: Such type of profile is created by administrator and stored on a server. This profile is available every time you log on to any computer on the network. Incase some changes are made to profile then profile on server is automatically updated.
Mandatory User Profile: Mandatory user profiles are stored on a network server and are downloaded each time the user logs on. This profile does not update when the user logs off. It is useful for situations where consistent or job-specific settings are needed Only administrators can make changes to mandatory user profiles. If the mandatory user profile is unavailable, the user cannot log on.
Temporary user profile: Such type of profile is used as backup. If the roaming or mandatory profile is not available for some reason, a temporary user profile is automatically created for the user. The temporary profile is deleted when the user log out. so any changes that the user makes while using a temporary profile are lost at the end of the session.

Q38. What is File System?
Ans: In computing, a file system (often also written as filesystem) is a method for storing and organizing computer files and the data they contain to make it easy to find and access them. File systems may use a data storage device such as a hard disk or CD-ROM and involve maintaining the physical location of the files.

Q39. Describe the different kinds of file system?
Ans: Types of file system:
The File Allocation Table (FAT) was implemented in DOS operating systems. Its main characteristics include:
• Supports only 8-character filenames with a 3-character extension, known as 8.3 file format.
• No spaces are allowed in filenames.
• The maximum partition size is 2 GB in Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows ME. In Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, and Windows XP, the maximum supported FAT partition size is 4 GB.

FAT32 is an improved version of FAT and is supported in Windows 95 (OSR2) and later operating systems. Windows XP, Windows ME, and Windows 95 OSR2 also support the FAT32 file system. Main characteristics of FAT32 include:
• More reliable storage than FAT.
• Not compatible with FAT.
• Uses smaller disk cluster sizes to prevent wasting disk space.
• Support for long filenames of up to 255 characters.
• Extended disk partition size of up to 2 TB (Terabytes) or 2048 GB.

NTFS is the preferred file system for Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000, and Windows NT operating systems. Some of the benefits of using NTFS are as follows:
• It supports long file names of up to 255 characters.
• It supports disk sizes of up to 16 EB (Exabytes).
• It supports file- and folder-level security.
• NTFS Encrypting File System (EFS) secures files and folders from unauthorized access.
• It supports Disk Quotas to limit the use of disk space on a per-user basis.
• It supports files larger than 4 GB in size.
• It provides file compression to save disk space.
• It supports Dynamic disks to efficiently use and manage disks and partitions.

CDFS stands for Compact Disk File System, which is used on compact disks (CDs).

UDF stands for Universal Disk Format, which is used on digital versatile disks DVDs).

Q40. How you can convert file system?
Ans: File system conversion is the process of converting one file system into another file system without the loss of data. In windows XP, you can convert FAT 16 and FAT 32 partition to NTFS. To convert a partition, you use the convert command-line utility. The syntax is
Convert [drive:] /fs:ntfs

Note: If you format a drive as another file system, as apposed to converting that drive, all the data on that drive will be lost.

Q41. What is Disk Storage?
Ans: Disk storage or Disc storage is a general category of a computer storage mechanisms, in which data is recorded on planar, round and rotating surfaces (disks, discs, or platters). A disk drive is a peripheral device used to record and retrieve information. Main implementations are hard disks, floppy disks and optical discs. Nowadays the term disk storage almost exclusively refers to hard disk storage.

Q 42. Describe the Basic Disk Storage?
Ans: Basic storage uses normal partition tables supported by MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Windows 98, Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (Me), Microsoft Windows NT, Microsoft Windows 2000, and Windows XP. A disk initialized for basic storage is called a basic disk. A basic disk contains basic volumes, such as primary partitions, extended partitions, and logical drives. The first partition that is created on a hard drive is called a primary partion and is usually represented as drive C:.

Q43. Describe the Primary Partition?
Ans: Primary Partition
Each Basic disk can have up to four primary partitions, or three primary and one extended partition. One of the primary partitions is marked as the Active Partition and is used to boot the system. There can be only one active partition on a computer. The primary partition is formatted using one of the file systems: FAT, FAT32, or NTFS.

Q44. Describe the Extended Partition?
Ans: Extended Partition
An Extended Partition is created on unallocated space on the hard disk. You then create logical drives on this partition and assign them drive letters. Extended Partitions cannot be formatted with any file system, and they cannot be assigned drive letters.

Q45. Describe the Logical Drive?
Ans: Logical Partition
Logical Partitions are created inside the Extended Partitions. Logical drives cannot be marked as active and cannot be used to boot the system. These partitions are used to organize files and folders on the hard disk.

Q46. Describe the Dynamic Disk Storage?
Ans: Dynamic storage is supported in Windows 2000 and Windows XP Professional. Dynamic disks are the disks that are specifically converted from Basic disks using the Disk Management utility. Dynamic disks treat the entire disk as a single partition and you can create volumes on the disk to organize your files and folders. Dynamic volumes can be extended on single or multiple Dynamic disks and offer fault tolerance features.

Q47. What is Simple Volume?
Ans: Simple volume
A Simple volume contains space from all or part of a single Dynamic disk. They are similar to a partition on a Basic disk.

Q47. What is Stripped Volume?
Ans: Striped volume
A Striped volume combines space from 2 to 32 Dynamic disks to make a single Dynamic volume. Data is stored on Spanned volumes in stripes (chunks of 64 KB) on each disk in turns so that each disk has an equal amount of disk space. Striped volumes cannot be extended and are not faulttolerant. If one of the disks in a Striped volume fails, all data is lost.

Q48. What is Spanned Volume?
Ans: Spanned volume
A Spanned volume contains space from a single or multiple Dynamic disks. You can add unallocated space from 2 to 32 Dynamic disks to create a large Spanned volume. Each disk can be of any size.

Q49. How to convert basic disk to dynamic disk?
Ans: Convert a Basic Disk to a Dynamic Disk
Use the Disk Management snap-in in Windows XP to convert a basic disk to a dynamic disk. To do this, follow these steps:
Log on as Administrator or as a member of the Administrators group.
Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
Click Performance and Maintenance, click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Computer Management.
In the left pane, click Disk Management.
In the lower-right pane, right-click the basic disk that you want to convert, and then click Convert to Dynamic Disk. NOTE:You must right-click the gray area that contains the disk title on the left side of the Details pane. For example, right-click Disk 0.
Select the check box that is next to the disk that you want to convert (if it is not already selected), and then click OK.
Click Details if you want to view the list of volumes in the disk.
Click Convert.
Click Yes when you are prompted to convert the disk, and then click OK.

WARNING: After you convert a basic disk to a dynamic disk, local access to the dynamic disk is limited to Windows 2000, Windows 2003 and Windows XP Professional. Additionally, after you convert a basic disk to a dynamic disk, the dynamic volumes cannot be changed back to partitions. You must first delete all dynamic volumes on the disk and then convert the dynamic disk back to a basic disk. If you want to keep your data, you must first back up the data or move it to another volume.

Q50. What is Disk Management Utility?
Ans: Disk Management Utility is a graphical tool for managing disks and volumes within the Windows environment. The disk management utility opening window shows the following information:
The volumes that are recognized by the computer
The type of disk, either basic or dynamic
The type of file system used by each partition
The status of the partition and whether the partition contains the system or boot partition
The capacity allocated to the partition
The amount of free space remaining on the partition
The amount of overhead associated with the partition

Q51. How to access the Disk Management Utility?
Ans: There are a few different ways to access Disk Management. I'll list three different methods so choose whichever is more convenient.
Method 1 - Start > Control Panel > Performance and Maintenance > Administrative Tools. Double click Computer Management and then click Disk Management in the left hand column.
Method 2 - By default, Administrative Tools is not shown on the Start Menu but if you have modified the Start Menu (by right clicking the Start button and selecting Properties > Customize) so it is shown then just select Start > Administrative Tools > Computer Management and then click Disk Management in the left hand column.
Method 3 - Click Start > Run and type diskmgmt.msc in the Open: line and click OK. The Disk Management snap-in will open.

Q52. What is Data Compression?
Ans: Data compression is the process of storing data in a form that takes less space than does uncompressed data. With Windows XP, data compression is available only on NTFS partitions. The compression algorithms support cluster sizes up to 4 KB, so if you are using larger cluster size, NTFS compression support is not available.

Data compression is available only on NTFS partition. If you copy or move a compressed folder or file to a FAT partition, Windows XP will automatically uncompressed the folder or file.

Not : Compressed files or folders are displayed in the different color.

Q53. What is Disk Quota?
Ans: It is a Windows feature used to specify how much disk space a user is allowed to use on specific NTFS volumes. Disk quotas can be applied to all users or to specific users. In other words, Quotas are used to manage storage in distributed environments. Disk quotas are abilities to manage and limit disk resources to those who abuse the system in the form of storage facility.

Disk quotas allow you to monitor the amount of disk space left against the limit assigned to individual users or groups. Disk quotas can be controlled by per volume, per user and per group. If you suspect that a particular user is using disk space to download files from the Internet and is consuming a considerable amount of space… limit their space with quotas.
Set quotas default is not the best way to set quotas; however you can use this option to set quotas for default user and default group. Before you can set quotas, a partition or volume must be quota enabled in the local access option.
File systems => Access local drive => Select and click on a partition => Options => User quota enabled.
After the partition's quota is enabled, quotas will be available in any part, such as in user accounts and group definitions.

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